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Image by Alex Zamora
 Jazz Pop Festival

Every year in October/November, the Pearland Music Teachers Association ( provides an opportunity for students to perform popular music in a non-adjudicated format with students from other studios in the area. That means you get to get all dressed up, play a memorized Disney, Star Wars, Chris Tomlin, or Scott Joplin piece before a live audience, and listen to the crowd cheer wildly. It’s a fun opportunity to perform fun music without being graded. See Calendar for this year's date.

Image by Andrik Langfield
 Christmas  Performances

In December, I hold Christmas Recitals at Providence Baptist Church, Pasadena. Dress is holiday best. Watch your emails and the calendar for more details. See Calendar for this year's date.

Image by Valentino Funghi
 Spring Performances 

BAHA Spring Showcase – Tentative May  2025
An evening of entertainment with other BAHA musicians! Select pianists will play a prepared piece


Fine Arts Friday Showcase - last day of Fine Arts Friday. An afternoon of entertainment with other musicians and artists from the Friday classes


  Nursing Home Recitals – Dates in May
I’ll divide the studio into about 10 students each, and we will go the local nursing homes and play for the residents. Because of the value and importance of this service project, attendance is required unless you have a compelling reason.

TMTA Ensemble Performances

What is the Ensemble Event 2025?
• The state of Texas is home to the largest piano ensemble program in the United States. Each year at TMTA's annual conference, over a thousand students have an opportunity to perform in concerts held throughout the weekend on a stage with 15 grand pianos, while in costumes themed with their music. The TMTA Ensemble Program gives the beginner, intermediate, and advanced piano student the unique opportunity to play with other pianists in a piano ensemble.
• It is one of the most fun events for students of all ages to perform at the Texas Music Teachers Association (TMTA) State Convention, to be held in Houston this year.
• There will be 15 grand pianos on the stage. We can have a duet team at each piano. We plan to have 8-10 duets teams from our Pearland MTA in each of our ensembles. It's like a "piano choir!"
• We will have 4 ensembles - - early elementary, elementary, intermediate and high school.

TMTA Convention Details
• It will be at the Houston Hyatt Regency located at 1200 Louisiana Street in downtown Houston.
• The 2025 dates are June 12-15.
• We usually ask for their stage rehearsal and performance to be on the Friday of the convention. That frees up the weekend for teachers, students and families. We will ask for Saturday if Friday is unavailable for all of our groups.
• The performances will have an audience of 500-1000 people.

Other Details
• Learning the music and playing it well is the first priority.
• I’ll pick which ensemble will be the best one for every participant to be in.
• The only requirement to participate is to pass the Theory Test – that means a 70.
• We will have simple costuming that fits the theme of the piece. We will make this easy - - I promise!
• We will have 3-4 rehearsals for each group. These will be spread out over April, May and early June. We are working on the location and will get you the info soon.

• We will be given a stage rehearsal time at convention. This gives us the chance to be completely comfortable for our performance.
• Following the stage rehearsal, we will have our group picture taken.
• Each group will be assigned a performance time. The concerts are about an hour long. You will get to hear ensembles from all over Texas.
• You can see videos HERE of the 2019 performances 

For now, please be aware of the dates of the convention and try to plan to be in Houston and available for the students to participate.


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